Friday, February 13, 2009

Real Update

I interviewed at Books-A-Million today, and it went really well. As long as my background check comes back clean, I'm hired! Of course, there is no reason why it wouldn't come back just fine. Even so, I freak myself out about stuff like this, so I'll just be glad when I hear from them next week.

I also have an interview at New York & Company on Wednesday. Like I need another reason to buy their clothes. I am already a walking advertisement for that store.

It seems likely that I will end up working part-time at both stores. Discounts for Kira on books and clothing. Hmmm. As Karen put it, the economy should get better just by my personal stimulus! Ha.

I finished Invisible Monsters and highly recommend it. I'm also already nearly done with My Sister's Keeper -- this is the kind of book that makes you get less done because you can't put it down. This morning I nearly chose to skip my shower in favor of reading. Thankfully I did end up bathing, but it was a close call.

I think I'm getting sick. Naturally, when everything seems to be going so well, now I will get sick. Terrific. Time to take some Airborne.

Hope nothing terrible happened to anyone today (Friday the 13th). Send up a prayer for those affected by last night's plane crash, if you haven't already. That would be enough to make me superstitious for sure, since many didn't get the news about loved ones until early this morning.

Yikes, don't want to end on such a downer. Ummm... Happy Valentine's Day?

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